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Being physically active and staying fit is one of the best ways to keep our bodies healthy. That goes without saying. Regular physical activity can help us feel better, look better and live better. Exercise is a crucial component to a healthy and happy lifestyle, and is readily available to almost any and everyone. There are countless benefits to exercise:

  • Weight management

  • Reduce/manage stress & anxiety

  • Boosts energy 

  • Improved sleep

  • Improved self-image/self-confidence

  • Reduce depression

  • Promotes positivity & happiness

  • Helps prevent substance abuse

  • Lower risk/ reverse Type 2 diabetes

  • Regulates blood sugar levels

  • Lowers blood pressure

  • Boost levels of good cholesterol

  • Improve blood flow (circulation)

  • Prevention of bone loss/ osteoporosis

  • More...

Adequate movement should be a life long commitment. Being fit in your adolescence or being fit for only parts of adulthood doesn't provide continued benefits throughout your lifespan. Physical activity must be maintained. The best part about this is that what you do to become and stay active is 100% up to you. Like nutrition, there is no one size fits all.


Too much of the time, fitness gurus (although well-meaning) state you must follow this exact "X,Y,Z" fitness plan, then go on with motivational talk about discipline. Yes, their plans work for them, but most of them don't work for every body because everybody doesn't love their plan like they do. It works for these "fit pros" because they LOVE what their doing, whether it's heavy lifting or running, they LOVE IT.  Of course it's easy to be disciplined when you enjoy your workouts. That's why it's important for you to discover the type of physical activity YOU love, whether that's hiking, yoga, or dancing. The easiest habits to stick with long-term are the ones we enjoy. The one's we do begrudgingly are the one's we eventually give up on, leading us to misery and zero results.


Now, there are some forms of exercise that will get you more specific results over others and in that case, you may have to bite the bullet at times if that's what you really want. But when it comes to lifestyle--health and happiness--consistency is key and the rest falls into place. So I encourage you to do something you enjoy over anything else. Commitment to exercise you enjoy, even if low in intensity is always better than giving up on something you hate and becoming sedentary.


Whether you're looking for ways to get moving, to tone, strengthen, or lose weight, I am here to guide you with tips and support to reach your fitness goals. 

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CARDIO (Aerobic Training)

Cardio exercise is rhythmic activity that heavily relies on oxygen use and raises heart rate to its target zone for burning fat and calories. Cardio can be high or low impact, and steady state or interval.


High impact workouts usually involve running and jumping--activities that cause greater impact on joints and feet (running, bootcamp, gymnastics). If done incorrectly, high-impact exercises can put you at higher risk of injury. Low impact exercises are more fluid in motion with less impact on joints (walking, swimming, cycling, elliptical).


Steady state cardio is continuous sustained effort for an extended period of time. Interval cardio means alternating between periods of work and rest (run 1 minute, walk 1 minute, repeat  for 30 minutes).


Gym Workout


Strength training is all about building and maintaining lean muscle mass. It can be used to strengthen major muscle groups, such as the legs, back, glutes, chest, shoulders, arms, and abdomen. Strength training reshapes and tones your body. Strength training gets skipped by many, but enhances weight loss efforts and increases bone density. And since muscle takes up 20% less space than fat, adding muscle and losing fat will make your body firmer, smaller, and more shapely. A fit 150-pound person can wear clothes several sizes smaller than an out of shape 150-pound person.


Strength training can be weight or resistance training. Weight training is using weights to build muscle and become stronger. Resistance training is pushing or pulling against the resistance of an object such as resistance bands or you own body weight aka "calisthenics"(push-ups, lunges, planks).


Flexibility and mobility refer to the range of motion of your muscles and joints. Flexibility exercises stretch your muscles and can help your body stay flexible. These exercises don't improve endurance or strength, but being flexible gives you more freedom of movement for exercise as well as for everyday activities and injury prevention. It may also help you avoid discomfort when confined in a space for a long period of time (such as long meetings or flights).


The most common types of stretching are static and dynamic stretching. Static stretching involves holding a stretch of a targeted muscle for a period of time. Dynamic stretching are active stretches that typically mimic an exercise about to be performed. Both types of stretching can increase flexibility and improve physical performance. Dynamic stretching is typically recommended before engaging in physical activity to better warm-up muscles, whereas static stretching is usually done post- workout when muscles are more limber.


Yoga and Pilates are workouts that are great for both flexibility and balance.

Women Stretching
Tree Pose


Balance and stability exercises often involve slow, controlled movements that engage and strengthen core muscles including abs, back, and pelvis, and leg muscles.


This type of fitness training tests your ability to stand on one or both legs while moving other parts of your body.  Balance is partly a matter of developing your small stabilizer muscles that provide support and keep you steady, preventing falls and injury.


These types of exercises benefit everyone as it can improve a person’s ability to carry out everyday activities, such as lifting heavy objects, climbing stairs, or standing up from a chair-- also referred to as functional fitness.


Some examples of balance & stability training are:

  • Tai chi

  • Yoga

  • Pilates

  • Single-leg deadlift

  • Stability/Bosu ball exercises

*The contents on this page are for informational purposes only and doesn't constitute as medical advice for medical conditions or illness. Consult your doctor before starting any nutrition & exercise program.


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Work with me 1-on 1 for a life-changing, educational & motivational experience. Be coached on fitness and have your questions answers in real time. Learn key differences in exercises, as well as what types are best for your specific health or weight loss goal. Learn to incorporate more daily movement, all while having your habit changes held accountable with a coach.


Gain access to additional tools, resources, ideas, and exercises to kick-start & help you maintain your fitness with your preferences kept in mind. Together we'll set goals for a healthier and happier you, and work together to achieve those goals. Click below to learn more or to schedule a free call.


*Consult your doctor before engaging in any nutrition & fitness program*

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